All Things New: a Discipleship Ministry for Healing - Overcoming the Effects of a False LGBTQ Identity is a 24-week Bible Study comprised of a Facilitator Guide and Participant Workbook. This Discipleship Ministry is designed to be facilitated by lay leaders and supported by prayer/accountability partners in the church who have a heart for hurting people. It helps people understand their true identity as a child of God as they experience true love and healing from the Lover of their soul, Jesus Christ. Anyone can use the facilitator guide and workbook to start a ministry in their own church.
Book reviews from Amazon
This is an awesome guide in assisting those who want to be helped in overcoming a gay, lesbian or trans-gender lifestyle. This guide has also helped me grow closer to God and ensured me of being able to overcome any obstacle in life.
Debora’s life is fully exposed as she shares her private journal full of prayers to God, and her communication with close friends. Once you begin reading, you will have a hard time putting this book down as you experience the highs and lows of her life, and realize she is being completely transformed by her exposure to the Word of God and her interaction with men and women who demonstrated the unconditional love of Christ towards her when she expected condemnation.
Many people are surprised to learn that the lessons of this book apply to every Christian who desires a closer walk with God. The second edition features a small group study guide to challenge all Christians to evaluate their personal relationship with God, and to think differently about people who experience same sex attraction due to no fault of their own.
Book reviews from Amazon
Though I do not condone this lifestyle, I came away with a much better understanding of how to be a genuine friend to someone in this lifestyle (representing the love that Jesus has for all), and without compromising my own viewpoint. What surprised me was though the book's primary focus was on how the author moved in, through, and out of a homosexual lifestyle - yet I could relate her challenge with any other challenge. There's a lot of pain and Godly support in this book, and definitely anyone in this lifestyle will see that you don't have to stay in it - GOD can turn your life around. GREAT book, a "keeper."
The book is written in journal format and is amazingly candid. Ms. Barr's story as to how she got involved in the lesbian life-style confirmed much of what I always believed regarding the root causes of same-sex attraction and the way out...Absolutely amazing book! Must read for anybody open to the truth regarding homosexuality.
"All Things New" is an incredible display of how much God loves us all. Debora Barr's willingness to be open and transparent as she shares the ups and downs of her life journey is powerful and encouraging. In spite of the many challenges she's faced, her love and adoration for God shine through in this book. You can't read this without being compelled to celebrate all that God has done in her life.
This testimony of God's Servant is very powerful, and it ministers to every sinner. Especially to a sinner who choose to be a born again christian. It doesn't matter what a persons sin is; this writing is not about lesbians. It is about sin and finding true love, and developing a personal relationship with God, and living a Holy Life, free and separated from sin. One have to be completely sold out from a life of sin. Sister Debora's transparency in the sharing of her testimony will help everyone in the body of Christ from the pulpit to the door of the Church and beyond. I Thank God for her working ministry and it is no doubt the Holy Ghost is guiding and leading her in this work. I challenge everyone to read this book, especially those who are in positions of authority. Application of the Holy Scriptures are key to obtaining your ticket to glory. Too many people are playing church and more important; the anointing brakes yokes and the strong holds on sinners lives. Christ is the anointing. We are overcomers through our testimonies. I thank God for Sister Debora who has found True Love and have shared with all her testimony to compel others to come to Christ.
This award winning Discipleship Resource is for people who want to experience an intimate personal relationship with God. It will help release you from the bondage of sin and the shame associated with sin as you experience the true love and healing power from the Lover of your soul, Jesus Christ. If you are not currently experiencing the abundant life that is promised to you in the Bible - this Ministry is for you!
All of humanity is born into sin, however, when we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we are born again! (John 3:3) If we surrender every area of our lives to Him, He begins a transformation process in us that can only be described as miraculous. Healing, restoration, and wholeness are possible for you!
Last year I had the opportunity to attend a group study focusing on the book you wrote, "All Things New, A Discipleship Ministry For Life Transformation", led by Carl Conli and I must say, it has brought me closer to God and has assisted in helping me transform my life. Having a structured way to study each day brought consistency and discipline to my life. If a book was written for 52 weeks, I would use it every year. During the ministry, I was able to hear others who struggle with similar sins and it gave me comfort to know I had other believers who I could open up to. I testify that if someone is consistent and focuses on the steps that are laid out in the workbook, their relationship will grow and deepen with the Lord Jesus Christ. God bless you Debora and all that the Lord calls you to do for His Children. Your Brother in Christ, Chris
The Word of God has the power to transform your life! In a world that seems to be spinning out of control, there is a steadfast Rock that we can cling to for stability, healing and hope. Walk through this 31-day journey in the Word of God and discover how much God loves you and all that He wants to do in and through your life to give you hope and a bright and prosperous future!
Transformed by the Word with Debora Barr Podcast - find it on your favorite podcast streaming service