Rev. Debora Barr is the founder of DBarr Ministries LLC, an international Christian ministry proclaiming the life-transforming power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She is a preacher, teacher, and a compelling testament of what is possible when one dares to apply the Word of God to their daily lives in this generation.
Debora has special expertise in training pastors and other leaders to be sensitive to issues surrounding same-sex-attraction (SSA), gender dysphoria, and LGBTQ ideology. She empowers Christians to employ best practices to minister to people who are seeking the Lord while experiencing SSA by sharing her own amazing story of change. Debora also conducts training for teens and young adults about God's design for sexuality and encourages them to make wise choices in line with biblical principles.
Debora is the author of a number of books to equip the church to minister to people with same-sex attraction, to develop intimacy with Christ through discipleship, and to encourage anyone with a LGBTQ person in their family, workplace, school, church, or community to love them with the unconditional love of Christ.
Preaching, speaking, training and ministry resources are all designed to provide encouragement and hope from the Word of God to draw people into an intimate personal relationship with Jesus for healing, restoration and transformation.
As an innovative and engaging Christian preacher and public speaker, I will bring biblical truth, personal testimony, and practical information that paves the way for life transformation to your next ministry event. Contact me, and we can design a presentation or workshop that fits the needs that you have today.
Is the culture and atmosphere of your church a ‘safe place’ for people struggling with LGBTQ identity to come and experience the love of Christ? Are your ministry leaders and volunteers trained to welcome and embrace people in whatever state they are currently in when God is drawing them near? Create an atmosphere that allows you to work WITH God to transform lives!
Understand what causes a person to experience same-sex attraction and how it feels to be caught up in a life of homosexuality. Understanding is the first step in providing unconditional love. Learn how to support a person with unwanted same-sex-attraction who wants to live their lives in accordance with the Word of God and to experience freedom from homosexuality.
The key to life is death to self. Only God can truly transform our lives, and it requires dying to our old self and allowing him to transform us into who he created us to be. This sermon is based on 2 Corinthians 5:17 - Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
Very helpful!!! Very Transparent!!! Very Necessary!!! D Barr is Anointed for this!
You are proof of God's Power for this era. God Bless You!!
We were so blessed to have Debora Barr in Orlando! Her presence and presentation was encouraging, inspiring, and helpful. Her testimony was thoughtful and Christ-centered. Debora described how the Lord helped her overcome homosexuality spiritually, practically and relationally. She is professional and personable and filled with the Holy Spirit. We have had counselors and theologians come and teach, and we have had people come and share their testimony of overcoming - Debora did all three: taught, preached, and shared her story! What more could we ask for! At the end, she asked for people to come forward to be prayed for. This was a wonderful and life-changing moment. God bless Debora, and I pray the Lord continues to use her to share his truth and love to many who need to hear it!
The Lord used Debora's testimony to convict us to just love my family member where she is. Shamefully, I don't think she's ever felt loved by us until then. After hearing Debora's story, God showed me that my sins put Jesus on the cross just the same as her sins and I'm no better than her. I wish we had gotten this down sooner, but we're asking God for more times in the near future to just love her and her partner and be the love of Christ to them.
I wanted to share that I appreciated the candor of your sharing and its plain open delivery. You have the joy that is spoken of in the word and the Lord is using you to share it!
What an amazing speaker. She used her personal experiences and chose to be vulnerable with the intention of bringing clarity, help and hope for those struggling with SSA, a relationship with God, family dynamics and cultural influences. Her humor and heart resonated with the audience and offered much needed hope for individuals, families and our community.
What We Believe (pdf)
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DBarr Ministries LLC, La Plata, Maryland 20646
(240) 233-6074 see also
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